30 Mar 2024 - 5 Apr 2024
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Inner Resurrection

I rise into my new being!


In this sacred week of change, we dedicate ourselves to the individual, sustainable initiation and upliftment of your entire human being

to activate the frequencies of the new time within you,
for a consciously chosen new way of thinking, feeling, acting and being in your daily life.

Easter is on the horizon. Due to the alignment of many people, the energy of resurrection and redemption is particularly available and present during these days. Whatever consciously or unconsciously wants to resurrect within you is waiting not only to be transformed within you, but also - precisely through your personal liberation - to bring a piece of light-filled resurrection into this world.


What wants to resurrect within you?


It is a process of coming within. Every cell of your body is in the process of awakening, of perceiving and living your true greatness, the clarity and power that you truly are.

Through your feelings and experiences, you will find access to your innermost nature and a deep trust in yourself and in life. Our inner nature is also the nature around us. Our cells are in constant interaction with it, also on a subtle level.


Use the changes in the world for your inner awakening.

Give yourself the gift of time out to pause, draw strength and
activate your whole being in the new time.

Making your inner guidance your first signpost means growing in confidence.


Making the invisible visible.


As many cultures have long foreseen, the great change of times is now here. The accompanying challenges and demanding changes on subtle levels (electrical, magnetic, etc.), within you and around you, enable your inner awakening, the realization of your unique qualities and a happy life.

According to the new, still unfolding DEEP NATURE system, we focus on this,

  • strengthening a stable connection with Mother Earth and our power in nature
  • feeling our own power and staying connected to it, whatever happens,
  • using thoughts and feelings in a constructive way,
  • practicing relaxation, acceptance and flexibility


  • to connect with the sky, to encourage a light reception of inspiration and vision
  • discovering and releasing dormant potential within us
  • to recognize what is really essential for us personally
  • to wake up and look at life from a meta-perspective that reminds us that we are much more than the mind believes,
  • to transform our environment into a powerful, life-affirming field through our very own way of living and being.

In a loving and at the same time very deeply touching atmosphere, we open ourselves to finding access to the higher consciousness within us.
From there we allow ourselves to be guided.


TIMES: Saturday, March 30, 2024, 5 p.m. to Friday, April 05, 2024, 1 p.m.


COST: 720 euros plus full board (various categories)

             Early bookers only € 640,- when booking until February 18th

             Discount on request and for couples



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You can book the retreat directly here.



"The seminars and individual work with Sabine Maria help me

To find myself more again
To lovingly rethink my self-image
Greater awareness that I can trust myself, my abilities and life
To accept what is
Not to want to get rid of things, feelings and characteristics, but to accept and feel them lovingly
Self-forgiveness"   Anna