Prof. Higa of Japan introduced Effective Microorganisms (EM) in the 1980s in order to find an alternative to the use of chemicals in agriculture. The discovery of EM has not only fulfilled the initial aim but also revealed unexpected results in a variety of application fields. Nowadays EM technology is a very effective tool for environmental clean up and an excellent help in organic farming worldwide.
The microorganisms are naturally existing and are not modified or manipulated in any way and are cultured according to a specific method. Some of which are known to produce bioactive substances such as vitamins, hormones, enzymes, antioxidants and antibiotics that can directly, or indirectly enhance plant growth and protection.
EM comes in a liquid form and consists of naturally-occurring beneficial microorganisms.
Throughout the world, EM applications are made in the farming, livestock, environmental clean-up (polluted waterways, lakes and lagoons), and health industries.
What EM is not, is not harmful, pathogenic, genetically-engineered/modified (GMO), nor chemically-synthesized. Neither is EM a drug or fertilizer Professor Teruo Higa distances himself from the uncompromising competition going on in the world today. According to him this competition has a negative effect on issues of world peace, health and the environment. This means that conditions are ripe for war, food shortages and health problems to take place. Dr. Higa argues in favour of solidarity, peaceful co-existence and shared wealth. In short he calls for more balance in the world. His ideas have been published in the books "An Earth Saving Revolution" volumes 1 and 2.
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